Standard License Information
Our Standard License applies to all of the products sold on our website unless otherwise noted. Below are the terms for our Standard License explaining what is & what is not allowed with the products we offer. If anything isn’t clear, don't hesitate to Contact Us and we would be more than happy to help.
What is allowed:
- You may use our products for both personal and commercial/business projects.
- You may use our products for social media, your website, and blog posts.
- You may use our products for client work - such as using our mockups in a packaging design presentation for your client.
- You may edit, crop, etc. our mockups, photos, textures, and graphics.
- You may use our products for an unlimited amount of personal projects, and one commercial project per license. For example, if you purchase a mockup to use for a client project, and then you have another client and you want to use the same mockup for them, you must purchase the same mockup again.
What is not allowed:
- You may not resell, redistribute, share, lend, or giveaway the licensed asset.
- Any resale/sublicense of the Licensed Asset in source file form or otherwise competitive with the Licensed Asset is prohibited.
- You may not use any purchased asset to create an NFT (Non Fungible Token).
- You may not claim the original source files are your own. You do not need to credit us, but you cannot claim that the original source files were created by you.
- You may not use our products to create similar or derivative digital products for sale such as mockups, lightroom presets, stock photos, or textures.
- You may not use our products in a harmful, unlawful, or illegal manner. You may also not use our products to promote hate, pornography, or unethical messages.
- You may not use our products to advertise directly competitive digital products for sale such as mockups, textures, or stock photos.
- Licensed Asset may not be used as part of a trademark, service mark, design mark, or trade-name.
- You may not may not claim the Licensed Asset (or a modification thereof) as its own copyrighted work (the original Licensed Asset must be disclaimed in any copyright registration).
- You may not use our products in web apps, native apps, or games. Please get in touch if you wish to use our products for any of these things.
For all other questions please Contact Us